Robert Ziegler 

I'm a third-year Ph.D. student in philosophy at the University of Virginia. My main interests are in history of philosophy and metaphysics--and particularly where the two intersect. I am currently most interested in the turn away from Scholastic Metaphysics in the 17th century, particularly with respect to Leibniz's last-gasp Aristotelian philosophy of nature, and questions about final causation more generally.

Outside of 17th Century metaphysics, significant interests include philosophy of religion, philosophy of physics, and questions about what constitutes wellbeing. Otherwise, as a general principle, if someone's called it philosophy, I probably think it's cool.

I have the fortune of having a last name that begins with "Z," so if you ever have trouble finding me in a list, the end is usually the best place to look. If you need to contact me and it isn't related to my position in a list, my email address is

Lastly, if you're looking for a different Robert Ziegler who does work in early modern philosophy and metaphysics, you may want to look here.